When you suspect you have a termite problem and call for the guys who do a termite treatment on the Gold Coast there are a few things you need to do to prepare your home for the exterminators to do their job properly and efficiently.

Not only is it common courtesy, common sense and a way to ensure you get an effective service, but it will reduce the overall cost involved. For people who don’t bother to make basic preparations, the exterminators may decline to treat your property.

Follow these basic tips to prepare your home:

Make a note of every place you have seen termites around your property

Although your termite exterminator will do a thorough search in and around your home, listing where you have noticed termites is very helpful. It’s also important not to disturb them as they will then try and hide.

Give your home a good clean

When your home is clean it makes the task of tracking down termites much easier and also allows the chemicals required to penetrate the areas where the termites live and travel.

All outside areas should also be tidied and any vegetation that comes into contact with your home should be removed or trimmed. Trellis work or fences need to be cleaned or removed and woodpiles moved away from buildings, preferably placed above the ground on a stand.

Move all your appliances and furniture away from the walls as well as out from under benches and sinks so your termite treatment service provider on the Gold Coast can have free and easy access to all areas in and around your home.

If you have built in cupboards and storage areas such as broom cupboards, airing cupboard, pantries, etc. they all need to be emptied and the contents cleaned, then stored off the premises until after the termite treatment and any resting period is over.

Remove all food and supplies

All food items should be removed from the premises where possible. If food is to be left in fridges or freezers these appliances need to be properly covered and wrapped to stop any chemicals entering them, Any food stuff including any pet or animal food that cannot be removed needs to be stored in airtight containers.

All food utensils and small appliances should be removed or placed in airtight containers

Relocate pets

All pets need to be relocated to a totally separate area. If you have pets living in large aquariums or cages that cannot be removed they need to be properly sealed off so no chemicals can enter their area. This cover will have to remain for several days after the application of any chemicals to kill termites has been introduced to your home or until the termite treatment technician from the Gold Coast advises you it will be safe to remove the covers.

Failure to take adequate precautions to safeguard your pets would result in a refusal from your termite exterminator to proceed with the extermination.

When you call in the termite treatment experts on the Gold Coast to help you remove any termites, it’s important to have the place clean and accessible with all large appliances and furniture away from the walls and all food and pets removed.