Australia is home to some of the most lethal spiders on the planet, including the Funnel-Web and Redback Spiders. Many spiders are harmless and even beneficial to the environment. Spiders are classified into two types: web spinners, and those that live on the ground. Spiders that live on the ground do not construct spider webs; instead, they hide in the garbage, vents, in holes, under leaves, and the garden, emerging the act of hunting prey or ambushing the unwary from a convenient location. Most webbing spiders are not dangerous, though their webs around the house may be an eyesore. Within the home, these spiders prefer to congregate in the corners of the floor, windows, or ceiling, as well as lamps, curtains, and gutters. The team at Top Dog Pest Control are experts when it comes to spiders and whether you have a dangerous or just a messy species living in your home. Conducting regular pest control on the Gold Coast will keep your home safe and sound.
Some spiders to beware of:
- Redback Spider
Throughout Australia, the female Redback spider is dangerous, while the male, which is much smaller, is not. A red stripe runs across the top of the female’s abdomen. She is small, black, and has a red stripe across her abdomen. The redback spider constructs its webs in dry, protected places, like garden sheds, logs, and garbage. Despite the pain of the bite, the bite has a slow effect and has not resulted in any fatalities since antivenom was introduced. Obtain medical help by applying ice packs.
- White-Tailed Spider
The white-tailed spider is a ground-dwelling hunter that preys primarily on other spiders. It is commonly found inside homes, bathrooms, cracks and crevices, and cupboards. It prefers to hide beneath the bark, leaf litter, and logs outside.
- Mouse Spider
The mouse spider digs burrows in creeks and rivers. Females are large, dark brown to black, and are frequently mistaken for funnel-web or trapdoor spiders. Its bite is poisonous and painful; bandage the area and seek medical attention.
- Window Spider
This web-spinning spider can be found hiding in the dark corners of windows and wall crevices, on logs, tree trunks, and beneath the bark. They range in color from dark brown to black and have body markings. They can inflict a painful bite but are not aggressive.
- Huntsman Spider
With their hairy, long legs, these large, flat brown spiders appear fearsome, but they prey on the much more dangerous white-tailed spider, as well as cockroaches and other insects. During daylight hours, Huntsman can be found under bark and in automobiles. Although bites are not life-threatening, they may cause localized pain and swelling. Apply a cold compress.
Although spiders are a fact of life in Australia, most of them are harmless. In most cases, taking reasonable precautions will protect you from spiders. For instance, avoid leaving clothes or shoes outside at night, wear appropriate clothing such as gloves when gardening, avoid walking outside barefoot at night and have regular pest control on the Gold Coast in a timely manner. Warn your children about the dangers of spiders – and model this behavior yourself. Repair cracks and crevices, cover vents and weep holes, and install fly screens on windows. External lights should be turned off at night to avoid attracting insects, which attract spiders. If you come across an unusual lone spider in the house and are certain, it is not poisonous return it to the great outdoors using a glass jar and stiff piece of paper to catch and transport it.
When dangerous spiders are discovered, eradication can be challenging – consult your expert pest control on the Gold Coast to determine your options. Chemical control may not be the best option: spraying spider webs and applying chemical barrier treatments to crawling spiders may be ineffective. Call us at Top Dog Pest Control for a professional pest control service on the Gold Coast.