
We’re on call to react promptly to your pest emergencies Tugun.

Pest Control Tugun

Pests come in all shapes and sizes, and Top Dog Pest Control is ready, willing, and able to rid you of all of them. Top Dog is a family owned and operated business located in your neighbourhood. Our technicians are fully licensed by the QBCC and QLD Health, and the company offers a full warranty on all services. That is right. If you are not satisfied with our services, we will make it right. The goal is to keep you as a customer for life.

Services Provide on the Gold Coast:

Pest Control Services

Whether it is large cockroaches coming in from outside or small cockroaches who have taken up residence in your kitchen, cockroaches are a health hazard and cause a lot of anxiety.

Household sprays only attack the cockroaches you see, they don’t get rid of the young cockroaches back in the “nest”. To really get on top of a cockroach infestation you need a professional treatment plan with a combination of professional products to eliminate the infestation. This is especially important for German or Brown-banded cockroach problems. These small cockroaches can build a “nest” in the smallest of locations; not only cracks under cupboards, but in electrical goods, even hinges or control panels on dishwashers. This is why we always carry out an inspection before treating.

Here at Top Dog Pest Control, we have the skills and products to get rid of the most persistent cockroach problems and keep your home or business cockroach-free.

If you have a cockroach infestation, 90% of the population remains hidden – gravid females and nymphs tend to stay near their hiding places. As such, to achieve control, you need to use a cockroach bait to control the population, sometimes in combination with powders and sprays.

The sprays we use as professional can use are very different to the sprays you can buy in a supermarket. Supermarket sprays tend to be repellent and have the effect of excluding cockroaches from area rather than controlling the problem. The new sprays available to professionals are non-repellent, which means the cockroaches walk over the treatment without noticing the insecticide. As a result, they pick up in the insecticide on their cuticle and transfer it other cockroaches back in the hiding places, magnifying its effect.

For assistance with your cockroach infestation call Top Dog Pest Control today on 1800 737 836

Quality and affordable Gold Coast pest control with good old fashioned service

If you have a pest control need, simply call and we'll get it sorted for you

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