
We’re on call to react promptly to your pest emergencies Benowa.


Do you seek relief from flies, mosquitoes, termites, spiders, fleas, bedbugs, ants or other pests? Every year, people in this part of Southport sustain damage from infestations. To prevent unwelcome insects and other pests from encroaching upon your living quarters, seek regular services from Top Dog Pest Control Southport. We’ll help you maintain your premises in a comfortable, pest-free condition so your loved ones won’t endure painful stings and bites. We emphasize safe pesticide application to protect your household (and your pets) from harm..

Services Provide on the Gold Coast:

Quality and affordable Gold Coast pest control with good old fashioned service

If you have a pest control need, simply call and we'll get it sorted for you

1800 737 836 OR Contact Us