When you’re considering buying a new property on the Gold Coast it’s important that you know about any taxes that may be due and add these extra costs to the price your willing to offer. It is also vital that you get a pre-purchase pest inspection on the Gold Coast so you don’t have uninvited guests.
Consider these other important things before you commit yourself:
- Termites
The Gold Coast is a part of Queensland that, unfortunately, is notorious for termites as well as other insect pests so it’s vital that you get the proper pre purchase pest inspections completed on the Gold Coast by a professional pest inspector before you agree to purchase or as part of the conditions of your sales agreement
- Check The Neighbourhood
The Gold Coast is the party capital of Australia and there are many young people overseas students and visitors renting and staying around different areas. Be on the lookout for any activity that will compact on your prospective property. It’s advisable to look at all the adjoining properties to see if they are compatible with your lifestyle.
Visit the property at different times during the day and night and on different days. Check the council bylaws to find out what’s permitted and what is not. Are there churches, mosques or flats in the area? Some areas are now changing and becoming populated with more culturally different people
- Construction sites
Is there any building going on in the area, high-rises going up next door could mean months of noise dust and inconvenience. Plus any view or sunshine you may be expecting may vanish. A shopping center or youth group can turn a nice quite area suddenly into a very busy center.
- Fires, Flooding and Storms
The Gold Coast is subject to many extremes of weather, from cyclones to drought and floods as well as extreme heat and the ever present danger of bush fires. It’s a good idea to ensure the property is out of the flood zone and strong enough to withstand the worst cyclone. Is the area built up or are there lots of bush areas nearby that could become a potential fire hazard. Bush fires can travel very fast so it’s a good idea to look at the vegetation in the surrounding area and see if your potential property is safe or not.
When you’re looking a purchasing a building, as well as having a pre-purchase pest inspection for any property on the Gold Coast, you need to consider any costs involved in taxes such as GST and capital gains. Other aspects are its physical integrity and ability to withstand the harsh weather conditions that can happen in different areas. Also, check the neighbourhood and the types of people living around to see if they fit into your lifestyle or you can fit into theirs.
It’s important that you ask questions and be very objective as you will have to live with any type of potential problem you find after moving in. Look for any sign that may cause you undue stress or expense such as boundaries and boundary fences that are not clearly defined or may substandard. Storm water drains and water runoff that could be problematic.